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In Memory Big Data Analytics with the Apache Spark Ecosystem

In Memory Big Data Analytics with the Apache Spark Ecosystem

Par Sam Bessalah
Date : samedi 5 octobre 2013 16h15
Durée : 40 minutes
Langue : Français
Tags : analytics big data scala

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The big data ecosystem has evolved with a myriad of projects, mostly rotating around Hadoop. The Spark project first designed has an extension to the latter, has turned into a full blown ecosystem for lightning fast computations for iterative algorithms on large datasets, an integrated graph processing framework, an in-memory filesystem, a stream processing engine and a new machine learning library that holds the promise of revolutionizing the way we do complex analysis of large data sets.
In this talk we will go through the different component of the Spark analytic stack and see why a lot of people have taken a strong interest to it.

Présentation suivie par: Etienne Crombez (‎Tienslebien‎), Haïkel Guémar (‎number80‎), Elise Larsonneur, Mouloud Bargach, Mathieu Gollain-Dupont, Jihéne MEJRI,